Tanya Seeman
Costume Designer / Wardrobe Stylist

I can make just about anything.

Pulp/noir series photographer: Matthew Cherry

royal ensemble for Rhapsody's epic video "Unholy Warcry"

"We're 4 New York" campaign, WNBC.

Tiny silver sparkly lab coats made for four child actors for WellPoint health insurance, 2014

Comedian Judy Tenuta as Elvis for MTV

MTV "Island Giveaway" contest, shot in Puerto Rico

Custom made for lighting designer Ingo Maurer installation

Custom made jungle garb for "Jungle Bass" video, which I also art directed

Vogue Mexico tribute to Josephine Baker in a custom made banana skirt. Photgrapher: Eva Mueller

Generic unbranded team track & field outfits for Olympic athletes

Superman, two ways: one on John Leguizamo for sketch comedy show "House of Buggin'" on Fox, the other with extra muscles for Spanish internet Eresmas.com commercial.

MTV Indian outfit made of buckskin for Poetry Break, 1988